Command prompt tutorial 1

Posted on 23/09/2009 by


You switch on your custom made super computer everyday and with your sexy Razer Gamer’s Mouse you navigate your way around that super-sleek windows 7. You check your mail, chat with your friends … you know the usuall .. everything really simple right. No one even caring to find out just what the hell is this command prompt.

Back in the days when there was no windows 7. there were no custom made super computers. there were no I7 processors or quad core proccesors. the DOS was the operating system. Gasp!

In those days if you didn’t know command prompt then max you could do was switch on your computer and just stare while an experienced guy does you a favor and helps you out with it.

And lets face it, we are thankful that those days of code punching are over. But there is a reason why Windows hasnt completely gotten rid of DOS. there is a reason why DOS is still present at the core of your operating system. And that reason is that even now DOS contains some features which can be accessed only if you get your hands on some third-party software. (the PING command is the GREATEST example!!!)  DOS gives you flexibility and it makes you in charge of your box.

I am not saying that you should just work day and night through DOS. I am saying that if you really want to be a ‘hacker’ or a computer guru. then it is mandatory to know these fundamental and useless looking things.

If you are just reading this post for the heck of it, it wont hurt you either to learn a thing or two about DOS. il say it again. DOS makes you incharge.

now DOS is completely a text driven interface. and how do you get to it? for those of you who dont know and who are using Vista, just type cmd on your search bar. for those of you who are using XP, go to Run and type cmd from there. A black window will open as soon as you do  this which will look like this:


I will first tell you how to navigate around windows using command prompt. A couple of commands will be given and their uses and then i will demonstrate by giving a screen print


2As you can see, cmd starts at C:\Users\yourusername

if you want to go a step back the command to use is cd.. . it acts like the back button on your file explorer, taking you back one step.

suppose you are at C:\ and you want to go to the program files folders which is in the C drive, then as you can see. the command to use is cd Program Files. this applies to all the sub-folder of the C drive.

If you want a list of all the folders in the Program Files folder than all you have to do is navigate to Program files folder as shown above. once there type in dir.


incase you want to switch between Drives instead of folders then there is no cd bussiness. You just type d: (if it is D: drive you want to jump to, ofcourse)

drive change

Thats enough of navigating for now. Next post I will be writing a bit more on cmd.
